SQL before beautify
SELECT top 100  
-- get the spectroscopic object ID, the line ID, and the max width (in velocity)  
FROM SpecLine sl,  
Max(2.99e5*2.354*sigma/wave) as maxVel  
FROM SpecLine  
-- only include measured lines  
category = 2 AND  
-- only include the most prominent lines  
lineID in (1215,1400,1549,1909,2799,4863,6565) AND  
-- make sure that this is a reaonably well measured line  
-- (these are fairly weak constraints)  
nSigma > 3 AND  
chisq/nu < 20 AND  
ew > 0 AND  
abs(ew - height*sigma*1.065*2.354/continuum)/ew < 0.25  
GROUP BY specObjID, lineID) as sMax  

SQL after beautify

/* Created by free online sql formatter */

SELECT top 100  
 -- get the spectroscopic object ID, the line ID, and the max width (in velocity)
FROM   specline sl,
       (SELECT   specobjid,
                 MAX(2.99e5 * 2.354 * sigma / wave) AS maxvel
        FROM     specline
        WHERE    (  
                 -- only include measured lines
                 category = 2
                 -- only include the most prominent lines
                  lineid IN (1215,
                 -- make sure that this is a reaonably well measured line
                 -- (these are fairly weak constraints)
                  nsigma > 3
                 AND chisq / nu < 20
                 AND ew > 0
                 AND Abs(ew - height * sigma * 1.065 * 2.354 / continuum) / ew < 0.25)
        GROUP BY specobjid,
                 lineid) AS smax